Nuance Innkeeper Elected Chair of Naturist Action Committee
Bill Schroer, Innkeeper at Nuance Naturist B&B and longtime naturist/advocate has been elected to the Naturist Action Committee (the advocacy arm of the Naturist Society). At the recent annual meeting of the NAC Bill was voted in as Chairman. He expressed his appreciation and continued dedication to pursue acceptance of the naturist philosophy and lifestyle on a national basis. “Naturism is a positive, healthy philosophy of living” he noted. “In spite of gains made in…

We are making great progress on the Solarium. With the warmer temperatures, we were able to pour concrete footings and then move ahead and frame up for the walls for the solarium. As the rear of the solarium will back up against the garage and with no view in that direction we decided to take the rear wall of the solarium up to waist height. This will improve insulation properties and provide a space for…