Nuance B&B-Re-Opening!

Nuance Naturist B&B is anxious to begin serving guests again and sharing the joys of clothes-free living in Michigan in the Summer! We are accepting reservations now for anytime after June 15. We welcome all first-time and experienced naturists to Nuance and help you embrace summer naturally. My goal is to balance reasonable safety precautions with the importance of rest, relaxation and living naturally (clothes-free). There will be guidelines for masks, social distancing, etc. to…
Crane Visit to Nuance B&B

This is the video of the Sandhill Crane visit last evening…..came calling to let me know he and his partner are back for another summer. The partner is sitting on the nest….hopefully some new “colts” will be forthcoming. 🙂 The cranes are great companions….very polite…knock on the door when they visit. Don’t overstay their welcome or drink too much…..