We just received a cancellation…so if you are wishing for a clothes-free holiday weekend, give us a call. There are two rooms available and a weekend stay this weekend includes a free invitation to a Sunday afternoon cookout! Call now!
We just received a cancellation…so if you are wishing for a clothes-free holiday weekend, give us a call. There are two rooms available and a weekend stay this weekend includes a free invitation to a Sunday afternoon cookout! Call now!
Great News! The pair of Sandhill Cranes that has adopted Nuance B&B as their home have just had two babies! The adults are shepherding them around the pond and the property…..and won’t let anything get too close. The adult male crane charged a young deer who was getting too curious about the babies. Stay tuned for more updates and pictures (when I can get close enough!)
and…a Big Thank you to all the participants at the first Nuance Naturist B&B NYE party! It was a fun time, great dinner and fellowship with the 14 guests that made up the party. What? No pictures….? Until society stops discriminating against nudists….we aren’t able to publish any pictures of our guests as we are totally committed to protecting their privacy. Plan to visit Nuance and see for yourself what a terrific naturist experience is…