A gift certificate at Nuance Naturist B&B is a great gift for the naturist couple…or for those who have always wanted to try a naturist weekend! As an additional incentive, gift certificates purchased for the Holiday will be priced at the current room rate. (Hint at price increase for next year!) For more information contact Bill at 269-986-2322 and give the gift you know they will enjoy!!
Our first step was to determine whether the pilings (16′ 6×6 treated posts) I had inserted 25 years ago were still solid. A quick trip to the island with the rowboat seemed to confirm the posts were still solid. I brought a rope to connect the posts on the island to posts I had installed on the shore as a guide rope, then Jan and Suzie, two friends, towed the swimming raft via the rowboat
Over 25 years ago….when the pond was created, I had an island carved out…and sunk posts for an eventual swimming/sunning deck. Well, the project hasn’t risen to the top of the list over the years as many other critical projects were tackled. However, in the past few years, the island itself has begun to disappear into the water….like the Maldives! As a result…before the entire island vanished I determined it was time to proceed with