First Time Naturist Experience?

Ever tried the clothing optional experience? You may have been to a nude beach…or not. You may have gone skinny dipping when alone or with a partner. Good start…but many have not participated in any clothes-free activity. Are you curious but intimidated by the idea of being naked in public?
It may be helpful to know almost ½ of the guests at Nuance Naturist B&B are trying naturism for the first time. My experience over the years with first timers is the anticipation and not knowing how you’ll feel is more stressful than the event itself. I work to insure the first nude experience for all guests is relaxed, inviting, welcoming and stress-free. With an accepting and positive approach, guests are introduced to naturism in a way that helps them feel accepted and special, but not singled out.
While going nude seems to be a really big deal, it takes a remarkably short time to become acclimated….and, even less time to find out you like it! Even first time naturists often dread the idea of putting clothes on when its time to leave. Every naturist has their “first time experience” and we all survived…not only survived but have gone on to celebrate this healthy philosophy of living!
Men and women both face uncertainties as they approach their first experience with being nude in front of strangers. Often, people feel “everyone will be looking at me” or “I will be self-conscious.” In reality, everyone is nude and no one is paying much attention to anyone else’s body. And, once you realize no one is paying any attention your mind becomes less occupied with the issue and you move on to go for a walk, swim or play a game…you go on with living!
Here are some key principles to keep in mind:
A fundamental of naturism is “body acceptance” and the first body one has to accept is one’s own. No one has a perfect body and naturists know that so we do not beat up on ourselves or make comparisons regarding others. Body Acceptance works!
Naturism is not nor ever has been about sex.
It is about connecting with nature for some. Swimming nude will spoil you for ever wearing a swimsuit again..and a nude hike in a forest is transformational.
For some it is about genuinely connecting with others in a magical way where all the social status symbols are gone…and people are simply people. No one knows who is the bank president and who is a material handler in a warehouse and the friendliness and openness of nudists is legendary.
For some its both…either way, great friendships are made across the socioeconomic spectrum and everyone in the nudist community is open, friendly and welcoming.
Since being nude is not about sex, it also isn’t about being a hookup site. At Nuance B&B couples are our primary customer segment. Anyone who approaches or talks to anyone in an inappropriate way will be asked to leave. All nudist venues have a reputation for being safer and more comfortable for females than almost anywhere else in society.
Nudists sit on towels as a matter of hygiene and protocol. At Nuance Naturist B&B we provide towels to sit on, towels for the shower and beach towels. Lots of towels!
Photography is generally restricted to guests and their partners. No pictures of other guests are allowed at Nuance Naturist B&B without their specific permission. (You are free to take pictures of the grounds, wildlife and each other.)
I hope the above information is helpful. The AANR Web Site (American Association for Nude Recreation) also has some excellent information concerning your “first visit”:
In closing, I want to add the most common comment I’ve received from first time naturists at Nuance Naturist B&B at the conclusion of their stay is: “I wish I had done this 20 years ago!”
Bill Schroer