We are making great progress on the Solarium. With the warmer temperatures, we were able to pour concrete footings and then move ahead and frame up for the walls for the solarium. As the rear of the solarium will back up against the garage and with no view in that direction we decided to take the rear wall of the solarium up to waist height. This will improve insulation properties and provide a space for radiators to ensure the solarium is warm and cozy for nude sunbathing all winter long.
With the concrete walls in place and cured we stripped off the forms. We now have the foundation solidly in place and are ready for the floor. The plan calls for radiant heat to be buried in the floor which will make for a warm and relaxing environment for sunbathing. We will need to prepare for the floor with radiant tubing laid in wire mesh prior to the concrete being poured.
One casualty of the process is several of the Black Walnut trees adjacent to the Solarium. Sunlight becomes a precious commodity during the winter and the Nuance solarium will need every sunbeam it can get to allow for maximum sunbathing! Monitoring the track of the sun as it makes a trajectory across the front of the solarium found three trees significantly interfering with the sunshine available during the short daylight hours of January/February.
The opportunity to pour the floor (once the radiant tubes were in place and wire mesh tied in) had to be grabbed while the unseasonably warm weather was upon us. That made for some long days/nights on site to get the floor poured and set before the cold weather returned. Here Roger is providing
finishing touches to a beautiful concrete floor that will give us a comfortable sloped surface to place chaise lounges or to hose down the planting area that will be part of the dual use for this structure.
With progress being made on the foundation, Bill was advised the prefabricated solarium structure was ready for pickup. Bill drove the 865 miles to Georgetown, South Carolina to pick up the structure. It was lucky the 14 ft skid steer trailer that is part of Nuance B&Bs wood hauling equipment was large enough to fit all of the boxes and crates that make up the solarium structure. Bill and cargo made it back two days later safely with no injuries or damage (that we know of!)
Now with this project really moving along (all the way from South Carolina) the solarium should be open with 80-degree temperatures and high humidity by September.