Nuance Naturist B&B brings the connection with the natural world and our bird, fish and mammal neighbors up close and personal.

Migratory waterfowl, songbirds and other bird species (i.e swans, turkeys) are present for much of the year either on the Nuance property or within the 300 acres of wetlands and swamp surrounding Nuance. Geese, wood ducks, sandhill cranes and even the occasional blue heron will be seen on the shores of Arrowhead Pond or nearby Foster Lake. Bird feeders and bird baths attract chickadees, golden finches, cardinals, titmouse, blue jays, downy woodpeckers and many other songbird species. The dense stand of cedar along the drive often is home to a horned owl and hawks glide overhead on most summer days.

Mammals at Nuance include the normal collection of rabbits, brown, black and grey squirrels, groundhogs and chipmunks. Often seen early in the morning or at dusk are deer and the occasional a coyote or fox.